Friday, 20 May 2016

Quiz: What Kind of Imposter Syndrome Do You Have?

It’s irrelevant that you’ve been working in your field for years; you’re living in fear of being outed as a fraud. A fake. A phony.

It’s imposter syndrome.

Imposter syndrome is the inability to internalize your successes, coupled with the fear of being outed as an unqualified fraud.

This fear of being exposed as inadequate and unqualified literally keeps you from achieving your best professional self.

You are not alone. In fact, nearly everyone has experienced a case of it at some time in their lives. So what keeps some people operating in fear while others can let it go? According to Valerie Young, author of The Secret Thoughts of Successful Women: Why Capable People Suffer From the Imposter Syndrome and How to Thrive in Spite of It, part of the solution is understanding the category of imposter syndrome that you have. Young lists five categories:

  1. Perfectionist
  2. The Superwoman/man
  3. The Natural Genius
  4. The Rugged Individualist
  5. The Expert

How Do I Know Which Imposter Syndrome I Have?

In her book, Young points out some identifying features of each kind of imposter syndrome. Though her book will give you a more accurate sense of where you stand, we crafted the following quiz around her descriptions in order to help you understand which form is your most dominant and how you can overcome imposter syndrome.

Wednesday, 18 May 2016

Red Flags to Avoid During Your Job Search in 2017

In today’s competitive job market, how you communicate with potential employers can make your skills stand out. Making sure you effectively express yourself, accurately represent your abilities, and stay present throughout the process is what makes the difference in ultimately receiving a job offer.

Your first interaction with your desired company is likely to happen through writing. But you’ll need more than just a sparkling resume and cover letter. With that in mind, I’ll show you what to avoid, how to get the most from your resume and cover letter, and how to approach email correspondence with your future employers.

3 no-nos to avoid on your resume

1. Overlooking grammar. You probably won’t be surprised to hear that at Grammarly, we tend to keep a close eye on spelling, grammar, and punctuation in resumes. But above all else, practical communication is what we assess when we’re looking at someone’s experiences on paper. Can we understand what you’re talking about? Do you highlight the most important information? Certain roles, like our recently filled community manager position, require an even closer examination of writing skills because of the necessity of writing in that role’s day-to-day function. Writing is an essential skill we look for in potential candidates because at the very least, everyone writes emails as a representative of their company.

2. Misrepresenting employment history. Pay close attention to your employment section. It’s noticeable when someone’s resume dates are incorrect or out of order. You should tailor your resume to the type of position you’re seeking, but it’s critical that you accurately represent your employment history and career development.

3. Use no more than two pages. When people say keep your resume on one page, I don’t think that applies as much to our present-day workforce. We’re not receiving paper resumes anymore, so two-page breakdowns are fine. If it takes more than one page to show the value of your work history, so be it. Don’t shy away from detailing what makes you an ideal fit.

3 cover letter faux pas you should be aware of

1. Addressing it to the wrong recipient. It always irks me when I read a cover letter that is addressed to another company. That’s an immediate red flag and could lead to a candidate being rejected. I can tell the letter was copied and pasted. We read all incoming cover letters here at Grammarly, so I would highly recommend you double-check your intended audience because most companies that require a letter will read them.

2. Generalizing your experience. You can tell when someone hasn’t spent much time crafting their cover letter. We require them when writing is essential to a particular role. We also value them because we want to know how someone’s work background relates to our opening. A lot of people write about how they’re so great for the position because they did X, Y and Z at their previous company, but the things they describe are not relevant to our job posting. If you’re writing a letter, tell me how your past experience is going to translate into what we need.

3. Rewriting your resume in letter form. People often overlook that we do have your resume in your application, so there’s tons of additional information there that doesn’t need to be re-explained. Detail the reasons you would be good for the role and highlight the experience that makes you qualified. If it’s a role that is different than your work experience, the letter offers a chance to show us why you’re interested.

3 ways you can hurt your chances via email

1. Not being aware of timing. If I’ve informed a candidate that they’re advancing to another stage of the interview process—a phone call, an on-site interview, or a reference check—and they’re not getting back to me within 24 hours, I tend to think there’s a lack of interest on the candidate’s part. Be present and engaged for any and all conversations throughout the interview process.

2. Responding with typos. Email mistakes might be considered a red flag for some, but I don’t consider it to be an immediate deal-breaker. Let’s be completely honest … email typos happen. They’re not ideal, but they do happen. People’s brains move so fast that a minor mistake is understandable. I’m not going to suddenly remove someone from consideration because of one error, especially if they’ve already made it to an advanced stage in the interview process. But if it happens over and over, I reconsider moving the candidate forward due to their lack of attention to detail.

3. Missing a simple opportunity to say, “Thank you.” Expressing gratitude still goes a long way. When I receive a thank you email from a candidate, I feel more inclined to push them along in the process a little bit faster. A recent hire at Grammarly went above and beyond on this front. She met with our recruiting team and came back later that day to meet with our executive team. In between the interviews, she gave us handwritten thank you notes. It was so thoughtful, and it spoke to her sincere interest in the role and the company.

Mastering effective communication is an important goal in any job search. Strong writing, for that matter, is one of the key ways you can increase your chances of landing a new position. Grammarly’s blog is here to help you take your writing to the next level.

Affective vs. Effective: What’s the Difference?

Is affective just another word for effective? Are the two words similar and entangled in the way the verbs affect and effect are? No, affective is not just another word for effective. And affective and effective are not derived from the verbs affect and effect. They come from the nouns affect and effect.

Affective is usually used in the field of psychology and addresses emotions and feelings. Effective is common in everyday language to describe something that produces a desired result.

The Difference Between Affective and Effective

Affective and effective are adjectives with no boundary issues, at least not with each other. There’ll be none of that nonsense “affect” and “effect” like to pull off, so let’s dive into what makes the two adjectives so different from each other.

  • Affective describes something that has been influenced by emotions, is a result of emotions, or expresses emotion.
  • Effective describes something that produces a desired result.
  • Effective comes from the noun effect, which means result. Affective comes from the noun affect, which does not mean the same thing as the verb affect.

Affective Definition

An affective action would be an action that was caused by emotions. Affective things are like that—they are either caused by emotions or feelings, influenced by them, or are otherwise related to emotions. You can also use affective to say that something expresses emotions. Affective is an adjective formed from the noun affect, which appears quite frequently in psychology-related writing. Imagine that you’re looking at someone who is experiencing a strong emotion—every manifestation of that emotion you can observe is an affect. At least, that’s the easiest way to understand it.

Effective Definition

When you want to say that something you’re doing is causing results, you can say that it’s effective. Specifically, something is effective when it produces the results you want. And that’s a very appropriate way to define effective, because we get the adjective from the noun effect—a result. It’s not too hard to remember the difference between affective and effective. You just have to use a small upside-down mnemonic device—when it comes to affective and effective, a is for emotion, and e is for action.

Why You Might Have Trouble with Affective

One reason it’s sometimes easy to mix up the meaning of the adjective affective is that the noun it’s derived from, affect, is spelled the same as the verb affect, but the two have very different meanings.

While affect the noun, as we already explained, relates to the emotions we experience, affect the verb means to cause an effect, or to influence.

Examples of Affective and Effective in Sentences

Doctors also report they have patients who seem to experience a summer version of seasonal affective disorder. —NBC News

Only humans were thought to have this ability of affective forecasting, in which prior experiences are used to conjure up mental pictures about totally new situations. —Science Daily

Educators are always on the look-out for ways to make their teaching more effective, and it seems the secret to effective learning may be less study not more. —Forbes

Twitter’s rights to the MLB and NHL games are effective immediately. —Variety

Sunday, 15 May 2016

Baseball Fans Come Out Swinging in 2016 MLB Grammar Power Rankings

The Boys of Summer are in their glory! Last year, we ranked all thirty Major League Baseball teams by how well their fans write when they’re talking them up or just playing armchair coach online. Our ranking was such a hit that we decided to make it an annual event.

We gathered 3,000 fan comments (of fifteen words or more) posted to each MLB team’s SB Nation blog between June 1 and June 14, 2016. We then used the Grammarly editor to detect grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and punctuation errors in each comment and used the sums to calculate the average number of errors per 100 words. Updates to Grammarly’s algorithms and an increase in our study sample size changed the numbers game this year. Our 2015 study analyzed 4,500 fan comments from The 2016 study sample size was twenty times that (90,000 total comments.) The larger sample, coupled with our software’s more objective grammar checks, meant that writing scores improved across the board.

This year, top honors went to the Miami Marlins. Marlins fans made an average 1.39 mistakes per 100 words. Baseball fans from Ohio also swung for the fences, with the Cleveland Indians and Cincinnati Reds coming in second and third. Saint Louis Cardinals fans, on the other hand, should’ve spent some time honing their writing skills during spring training. Their average of 2.2 errors per 100 words landed them in last place. National League fans edged out American League fans with 1.79 mistakes per 100 words versus 1.82.

How did your favorite team’s fans stack up? Take a look at our 2016 Grammar Power Rankings to find out.

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Thursday, 12 May 2016

Sneaky, Nerdy Ways to Celebrate Star Wars Day

Star Wars Day is a unique gift to both Star Wars fans and wordplay fans, giving us the opportunity to wish friend and foe alike, “May the Fourth be with you.”

Even if you live here on Earth and not in a galaxy far, far away, there are still ways to make sure that the Force is strong with you this May the Fourth. Maybe you incorporate subtle references into your day at the office, or change your speech habits. Maybe you just throw a #StarWarsDay into your preferred social media venue. And there are always lightsaber battles.

To get you on your way, here are thirty-one ways to feel the Force flowing through you this #StarWarsDay.

1 Show up to work as Darth Vader. Or, if you’re not the boss and don’t want to appear insubordinate, a stormtrooper. Those bucketheads fit right in in the workplace.

2 Don’t have a helmet handy? Try a slightly more subtle costume. For example: black vest over a white shirt, tan jacket with khakis, khakis and white v-neck, or brown bathrobe.

3 Insert a random, irreverent gif into a work email. For example:

  • Cats with lightsabers
  • Bears with lightsabers
  • Disco-dancing Chewbacca

4 Put blue food coloring in your milk. It may not be from a Bantha, but even Jedi need their calcium.

5 Get Han Solo legos and freeze them in ice cubes for a carbonite cocktail. If you’re ready for commitment, you can even buy an ice cube tray with that scoundrel’s outline already built in. Just don’t let Boba Fett get to him first.

6 Other drink ideas: there’s the Hoth Toddy, the Qui-Gon Jinn and Tonic, the Dark and Stormy Trooper, and more. And don’t imbibe them without first getting the perfect cups.

7 Listen to John Williams’ score to boost your mood while you sit at the computer. Need a bigger boost? Listen to Figrin D’an and the Modal Nodes play the Cantina song on loop for ten hours. Repeat as needed.

8 Try not to speak English for a full day. Some alternate language ideas:

  • “Utinni!” (Jawaese for “Wow”)
  • “Wee now kong bantha poodoo.” (Huttese for “Now you’re bantha fodder.”)
  • “Huuguughghg raaaaaahhgh huuguughghg uughguughhhghghghhhgh huuguughghg huurh aarrragghuuhw.” (Shyriiwook for “That was a scintillating presentation.” Get your own Wookiee translations here.)

9 Still not satisfied with a subtle costume? Check out some of the cosplay creations from the Star Wars Celebration a few weeks back. You never know—Salacious Crumb just might be a major help in the office.

10 Everyone likes the gal or guy who brings food to work. Especially pastries. Especially sticky buns shaped like Princess Leia’s hair.

11 Work “I have a bad feeling about this” into casual conversation. Or, if things get really rough, “it’s a trap!”

12 You never know where in the galaxy you might have a secret father, sister, or other relative, so get your DNA tested with 23andMe. If you find any new relatives, make sure you reveal your relationship after having a brutal Force battle and cutting off their favorite limb.

13 Ride a tauntaun to work. Snow lizards not native to your habitat? No problem. Take a broomstick, an alpaca mask, and some ram horns, stick them all together, and you’ve got your transport. Just remember: they smell bad on the outside, but the inside is worse.

14 If someone gets on your bad side, diss them good with one of these classic Star Wars insults:

  • Slimy piece of worm-ridden filth
  • Nearsighted scrap pile
  • Walking carpet
  • Mindless philosopher
  • Overweight glob of grease
  • Slimy, double-crossing, no-good swindler
  • Fuzzball
  • Scoundrel
  • Goldenrod
  • Scum
  • Malfunctioning little twerp
  • Stuck-up, half-witted, scruffy-looking nerf-herder

15 If you want to get out of doing something, say “But I was going to Tosche Station to pick up some power converters!”

16 Change all your passwords to THX1138.

17 Refer to anyone subordinate to you as “Padawan,” and call your superiors “Master,” “Lord,” or (preferably) “Grand Moff.” If you call your boss “Emperor,” just prepare for the repercussions.

18 Set the Imperial March as your ringtone.

19 You can have a lightsaber battle with any number of everyday objects. For example:

  • Highlighters
  • Rulers
  • Pencils
  • Bananas
  • Rolled-up yoga mats
  • Actual lightsabers. Maybe, just maybe, that’s in the realm of possibility.

20 Find (or become) a mentor. Star Wars is all about making connections with people (or aliens), learning how to forge your own path, and occasionally lifting rocks with your mind while you’re upside down. If you’re picking a mentee, just make sure you do a quick midichlorian count first.

21 Drape a brown sheet around yourself and pick up trash on the side of the road. Bonus if you can find droid bits in a sandlot.

22 Feeling unproductive? Blame it on having a bad motivator.

23 If you’re a Star Wars someplace where it’s cold, build a snow fort. Not everyone gets to celebrate Star Wars Day on Hoth.

24 Read How Star Wars Conquered the Universe. It’s a history of the franchise, an encyclopedia of the Star Wars galaxy, and a fan’s dream come true.

25 Try your hand—and your telekinesis—at “vadering.” (If you’re in the workplace, maybe make sure you get consent first).

26 Watch the fan-made version of A New Hope, a YouTube masterpiece that breaks the original movie into thirty-second chunks and features hundreds of artistic approaches to retelling the story. Between the trash-can R2-D2s, glued-on Obi-Wan beards, and fan-created animations, it’s pretty much a new art form.

27 Start (or continue) your countdown to Episode VIII. As of May 4, it’s 224 days until December 15.

28 On a similar note, watch the trailer for The Last Jedi. A few hundred times. Dissect every moment. Post your predictions on fan boards. Check your countdown: rats, it’s still 224.

29 Change your email auto-signature to MTFBWY.

30 Tough project at work? Let Yoda inspire you: “Do, or do not. There is no try.”

31 May the Fourth not enough for you? In some circles, tomorrow is known as Revenge of the Fifth. It’s an opportunity to join the dark side and celebrate all the Sith Lords doing their best to exploit the power of the Force for their own gain. Just don’t be seduced by the dark side. Once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny. Plus, May 6 is just a normal day.

Star Wars Day may happen only once a year, but remember: the Fourth will be with you. Always.

Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Grammar Basics: What Are Verb Tenses?

Verb tenses are forms of verbs that show whether we are talking about the past, present, or future. There are six classical tenses in English and an additional six tenses that are categorized as “perfect tenses.”

The classical tenses, using the verb “walk” as an example, are: Present simple (I walk) Present continuous ( I am walking)

Simple past (I walked) Past continuous (I was walking)

Simple future (I will walk) Future continuous (I will be walking)

The perfect tenses, using walk as an example, are:

Present perfect (I have walked) Present perfect continuous (I have been walking)

Past perfect (I had walked) Past perfect continuous (I had been walking)

Future perfect (I will have walked) Future perfect continuous (I will have been walking)

Many verbs, like “make,” “do,” “see,” and “be” are irregular in the past and perfect tenses, which means that they do not look like the regular verb “walk” when conjugated.

To learn more about grammar and to help us celebrate National Grammar Day this March, visit our new resource page.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Texting: Ppl, Srsly, It’s OK 2 Uz TxtSpk Sumtimz

Text speak gets a bad rap.

It’s been pegged as barbaric, accused of ruining the English language, identified as a symbol of the millennial generation’s laziness, and perhaps worst of all, it’s been strung up as the next bad habit liable to rot kids’ brains.

That puts it in the same category as American English, according to Prince Charles, and rock ’n’ roll, according to conservative evangelical parents of the 1950s—two institutions that turned out pretty okay, according to the majority.

So then, is the phenomenon of using shortcuts, homophones, and the omission of non-essential letters in what’s usually but not exclusively digital communication really such a terrible thing?

Or for those fluent in text speak:

LOL. So then iz d phenomenon of UzN shortcuts, homophones & d omission of non-essential letters n what’s usu bt not exclusively digital cmUnik8shn rly such a terrible tng.

Researchers from Coventry University in England don’t seem to think so. In fact, they argue the contrary, asserting that text speak is actually beneficial to the way that children interact with language.

More specifically, after assessing primary and secondary school children annually for two years, they “found no evidence of a link between poor grammar when texting and the actual grammatical understanding of UK children.” What they did find was that “children’s use of text speak is not only positively associated with word reading ability, but it may be contributing to reading development.”

Children’s use of text speak is not only positively associated with word reading ability, but it may be contributing to reading development.

The astounding results motivated the Scottish Qualifications Authority to, in a shocking move, accept text speak on English tests as long as the answers demonstrated that students understood the subject. The New Zealand Qualifications Authority followed suit, giving partial credit for text speak answers that showed understanding but lacked grammatical correctness.

These über progressive boards still remain exceptions to the rule though. For the most part, it’s still expected that text speak make no cameo appearances on any kind of formal examination.

So when is text speak appropriate?

John McWhorter, an associate professor of English and comparative literature at Columbia University, would argue that this shorthand of sorts is fair game when you’re communicating in a manner that channels the speed and flow of typical conversations. That’s because he’s a firm believer that text speak is not so much a bastardization of our beloved written language, but a language of its own.

In a TED talk he delivered in 2013, he explains how “the miraculous thing” is developing its own grammar and conventions and should be more closely identified as “fingered speech” than as writing.

The big takeaway from his argument? People who use both text speak and formal written English are actually bilingual and can appropriately identify the contexts that warrant one or the other.

And while that may be true the majority of the time, text speak h8ters have jumped at the opportunity to point out the situations where those fluent in the new way of communicating have slipped up and inappropriately LOLed or YOLOed. So, for those new to the language, and also just to take it one step further and clarify when it’s okay to use text speak, we’ve put together a little litmus test as well as a few key tips.

How to figure out if using text speak in written communication is appropriate

”1” Think about this text speak golden rule: speak unto others as they would speak unto you.

This little maxim is all about context. Think about the person who you’re communicating with. Just like you wouldn’t parlez Français to a Chihuahua, you shouldn’t LOL at your grandmother’s lack of bilingualism or ROFL at your technologically challenged manager’s unfamiliarity with a language that you think is, OMG, gr8. If you don’t think someone shares your text speak knowledge, err on the side of conservatism.

Similarly, if you’re in an environment where there are generational gaps and hierarchies to be considered (read: the workplace), take the lead from others before dropping the text speak bomb.

”2”Think about wot yor trying 2 sA

As McWhorter so aptly notes, text speak is more like casual speech because it mirrors the loose, telegraphic eight- to ten-word packets that we converse in. If what you need to communicate demands longer, more reflective, more informative, or more analytical thought, then it probably lends itself to formal written English.

More specifically, other than in quick text messages, text speak can be great for instant messaging via apps like Skype and Slack that act as digital stand-ins for chirpy spoken exchanges (as long as you’ve ensured that the people who you’re communicating with comply with tip one). Same goes for social media posts on platforms with limited word counts, like Twitter.

Text speak can also be appropriate when you urgently need to communicate something fleeting, like the fact that you’re running late, via a more formal mode of communication, like email.

Tips for using text speak in written communication

If you’ve thought about the two points above and are confident that—ding, ding, ding—your situation has qualified for text speak use, then it’s still not a bad idea to consider a few best practice points. This especially holds true for using text speak in the business world, where communication can make or break a deal, a job opportunity, and more.

Only use text speak shortcuts that are widely known.

You still want to communicate clearly, after all. So using complicated acronyms like IYKWIM (If You Know What I Mean) or IANAL (I Am Not A Lawyer) will only confuse people further.

Consider the tone of your message and think about using polite terms to soften things up.

As business etiquette expert and founder of the Protocol School of Palm Beach Jacqueline Whitmore advises, “Quick messages can make you come off as flippant or harsh. Instead of staccato phrases, write complete sentences. Add polite touches like ‘please’ (plz) and ‘thank you’ (tks).”

And of course, don’t text in all caps—it makes it seem like you’re screaming.

Don’t use text speak that you wouldn’t say out loud.

This seems like a no-brainer, but it’s still good to point it out. If you wouldn’t give someone a gap-toothed grin and exclaim, “LOL. What the f*^&? Did you move the deadline forward? F*^& my life,” then you probably shouldn’t text them that either.

Try not overuse pragmatic particles.

A pragmatic particle is a linguistic term for a word or phrase that doesn’t add any semantic meaning to a sentence, but that still adds value in the way that it communicates attitude, shows empathy or adds structure to the interaction.

In text speak, LOL is an example of a pragmatic particle. People often use it even when nothing is funny or they’re clearly not laughing out loud. They do this to communicate light-heartedness and a positive tone.

Like difficult acronyms and abbreviations, pragmatic particles can be confusing for and misunderstood by those not as adept at text speak. So before defaulting to frequent use, think about the person you’re communicating with.

What’s it to you? Do you think there’s a case for situation-appropriate text speak, and do you agree with our points about when to use it? Share your opinion in the comments section below or via our Facebook page or Twitter feed.


Stephanie Katz is a San Francisco-based writer who, contrary to the way it may seem, won’t correct your grammar over beers, coffees or any other normal life interaction. She tells stories about health, history, travel and more and can be contacted via email at

Here’s How to Write a Blog Post Like a Professional

You sit down. You stare at your screen. The cursor blinks. So do you. Anxiety sets in. Where do you begin when you want to ...