If you’ve ever fantasized about wielding a red pencil that could correct grammatical mistakes in the text messages you receive, you’re in for a treat. There’s a new app on iTunes called Grammar Snob, and it gives you the ability to correct grammatical mistakes in texts. All you need to do is download it, wait until you receive a text message containing one of the mistakes covered by the app, place a corresponding sticker over the mistake, and hit send. The person you’re sending the message to will receive their original message with a correction written over it in red pencil.
So far, the app has several limitations. For one, it works with iOS 10 only, so anyone who doesn’t use that operating system won’t be in on all the grammar-checking fun. Android users have yet to experience the evolution of smartphone-facilitated grammar snobbery. There’s also the fact that the range of typos and grammatical mistakes you can correct with the app is limited, although we’ve already seen an expansion of the original base of errors covered by the app.
Plus, and this shouldn’t be overlooked, the app gives you the power to be super annoying. So we’re here to warn you, just as Uncle Ben warned Spiderman, that this app gives you great power, and with great power comes great responsibility: the responsibility of not being a jerk.
We’ve covered grammar snobbery on this blog before. Most of the people reading this probably know how annoying it can be when someone latches onto a grammatical mistake and completely disregards the point of the conversation in which it was made. Some of us have been trolled by grammar snobs whose only goal was to make us lose our cool. Yes, these things are going to happen with or without the Grammar Snob app. The difference is that with the app you can correct people’s mistakes as a teacher would correct a paper, which might make it even more annoying.
Not that grammar doesn’t matter. In some situations, your ability to use proper grammar can make the difference between getting a job or not. It can also affect your grades in school. It can even affect your success on dating websites. But in some situations, for instance when you’re texting with your friends or family, you need to weigh the benefits of correcting someone’s grammatical mistakes against the likelihood of seriously annoying that person. Usually, you’ll find that it’s more important to not be a jerk than it is to correct all the “their, there, they’re” mistakes you come across—no matter how irritating they are.
That being said, the app can be very useful, and it can be very fun. You might really need to correct the spelling and grammar in someone’s message. Heck, they might ask you to do it. And just imagine the receiving a text message from the person who’s in charge of correcting your writing mistakes, like a proofreader, teacher, or professor, and you notice a grammatical mistake in it. Some playful payback doesn’t necessarily have to cause harm, right? Right, as long as you remember that it’s not really fun if only one person is enjoying it. Remember: great power = great responsibility.